Liberal Kyoto plan still not ready
(en francais)
12 1/2 years and the Liberals still don't have a plan yet - but they've committed billions of your tax dollars. At the rate we're going, this will make the Gun Registry fiasco look like chump change.
Project Green - the Liberals Kyoto "plan". Lots of goals, targets and proposals - but no plan.
Government of Canada moves to create a market for emission reductions in all sectors of the economy - governmentpropaganda press release
Dion promotes emissions trading scheme - a discussion paper by Environment Minister Dion
Kyoto emissions plan won't kick in until 2008 - large polluter provisions won't start till 2008 and the Liberals still aren't sure how it's going to work (best case scenario)
Project Green - the Liberals Kyoto "plan". Lots of goals, targets and proposals - but no plan.
Government of Canada moves to create a market for emission reductions in all sectors of the economy - government
Dion promotes emissions trading scheme - a discussion paper by Environment Minister Dion
Kyoto emissions plan won't kick in until 2008 - large polluter provisions won't start till 2008 and the Liberals still aren't sure how it's going to work (best case scenario)
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