ADQ's Dumont throws support behind Harper
(en francais)
I caught this news conference yesterday. Although not a big secrect, Dumont made sure the people of Quebec heard this time.
Keep an eye on the numbers in the East.
Dumont says he'll vote Tory
Jan. 13, 2006. 01:11 AM
MONTREAL—A prominent Quebec politician has given Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's campaign a shot in the arm.
Mario Dumont, leader of the Action démocratique du Québec (ADQ), said the Bloc Québécois has not represented the interests of Quebecers, and doesn't deserve their votes.
He said he personally plans to vote for Harper's Conservatives in the Jan. 23 election.
The head of the right-of-centre provincial party that has five elected members told a news conference in Quebec City "the Bloc Québécois was saved by the sponsorship scandal. The sponsorship scandal was their life preserver, and they are still riding on it." ...
Keep an eye on the numbers in the East.
WE Speak at 7:50 a.m.
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