New Liberal Red Book Leaked
(en francais)
Ezra Levant scoops Canada.
Edit 1:
Ezra has some suggestions for fun with the document.
1. Download the .pdf file.
2. Open the file
3. Hit Control-F to open the search feature or go to Edit- find: type in some terms like
democratic deficit
here's a real fun one - priority or priorities
Think up a few of your own. Post your best search term in the comments. So far my best is "priority" at 9 Edit 2: new winner - China - 18 times, followed a close second by India at 15!
Edit 3: T.O. Rees War Room
Values - 25 times.
It's especially interesting when you consider the document was created on the 9th of January. That date is significant for some reason?
Cross-posted to Progressive Bloggers
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